Texas Grant Watch
A collection of over 200 grants available to start or grow a small business in Texas, including grants for women, minorities and veterans.
A collection of over 200 grants available to start or grow a small business in Texas, including grants for women, minorities and veterans.
This grant will provide funding for private, nonprofit microenterprise development organizations; microenterprise development programs run by State/Local/Tribal Governments; or Indian tribes interested in providing assistance and guidance to disadvantaged microentrepreneurs and/or microenterprise development organizations.
The Skills for Small Business grant supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees. The program focuses on training new and incumbent workers.
The program’s objectives are to increase the number of small businesses that are exporting, and to increase the value of exports for those small businesses that are currently exporting. The STEP program will provide financial assistance to small business to create or expand their export capacity.
The purpose of this program is to provide financial assistance in the form of dollar-for-dollar matching grant funds to young agricultural producers that are engaged or will be engaged in creating or expanding an agricultural business in Texas.
This program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue.
These grant programs focus on research and development for technology innovation and scientific research. The programs help connect entrepreneurs with federal business grants and contracts from 12 government agencies. To qualify, you must operate a for-profit business, have no more than 500 employees and meet other eligibility requirements.
The National Association for the Self-Employed offers NASE Growth Grants of up to $4,000 to business owners in the U.S. who have been active members of the organization for a minimum of 90 days.
The Outrage is an activism organization that offers a $5,000 small-business grant to companies making a difference in their community. To qualify for this grant, you must be a business or organization actively working to make the U.S. a better place. The Outrage accepts applications from startups, grassroots organizations, and nonprofits, among other small businesses.
Amber Grant awards are given out monthly and at year-end with amounts ranging from $1,000 to $25,000. Businesses can apply online and be considered for all the available grant programs. To be eligible for an Amber Grant, a business must be at least 50% owned by women and based in the U.S. or Canada.
*2024 application is open! (Application closes February 29, 2024)
One $50,000 grant, as well as an additional $20,000 grant will be awarded to small businesses. Up to 100 businesses will also be selected as Honorable Mentions and receive a $300 My FedEx Rewards voucher.
*2024 application opens March 1st.
The CWE’s StartHER Grant Program helps women business owners—current or aspiring—to undertake new and innovative projects. A total of 25 business owners will be selected to each receive a $5,000 grant.
*2024 application opens September 3rd.
Bizee’s Fresh Start Business Grant offers up to $2,500 which can be used to cover startup costs and also includes free formation services from the company. To qualify, you’ll need to be at least 21 years old, a U.S. resident and planning to start or grow your business in a significant way. Applications require a sample business plan, as well as a two-minute video.
*2024 application opens soon.
The annual Venmo Small Business Grant offers $10,000 grants to 20 business owners. To qualify, you need to have a U.S. Venmo business account in good standing. You also need to have fewer than 10 employees, less than $50,000 in annual sales and have sold $500 or more in goods and services at least three months before the start of the grant program.
*2024 application opens soon.
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