Click the links to the right to view small business workshops provided by SCORE – Dallas and SCORE – Fort Worth

SCORE: Creating a Non-profit Organization in Texas

Online Webinar

The paperwork to start a nonprofit organization in Texas may seem overwhelming but that is just part of what is required to be successful. Our instructor has a lot of experience. This workshop will help you through: How to incorporate in the state of Texas (a step-by-step process) How to complete the application for a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization through the IRS - […]


Tarrant SBDC: Legal Forum w/ Attorney Tisha Dodge

Online Webinar

This interactive open-forum style conference call lets you talk with a local attorney. Learn how to determine the best legal structure for your business. Ask questions and get answers as a participant discussing the legalities of businesses in Tarrant County and the State of Texas. Please register in order to receive the confirmation for the […]


North Texas SBDC: Best Practices for Increasing Your Restaurant’s Profitability

Online Webinar

The North Texas SBDC is excited to bring to you a 4-part series on best practices for increasing your restaurant's profitability hosted by Chris Tripoli of The Restaurant Clinic, founder and hospitality specialist with over 40 years of experience in the restaurant industry. Chris has developed award winning restaurants and aided on a variety of […]

Collin SBDC: How to Fund a Small Business

Online Webinar

This class is a comprehensive overview of the different funding options available for your small business and the qualifications for each. This class will cover: Sources of funding Lender requirements Other funding considerations


North Texas SBDC: 5 Steps to Financing Success

Online Webinar

Identifying and securing the financing you need to grow your business can be a scary and difficult task when you don’t know what to do. A winning funding proposal can make a huge difference between getting “No” and getting a “Yes”! In this seminar you will learn what you need and what to do before […]


Collin SBDC: Legal Aspects of Starting a Business

Online Webinar

Thinking of starting a business but don’t know where to start? Confused by all the different types of entities you could form for your business and wondering which type will be best? This class will address: How to Effectively work with your Attorney (and save $$$ doing it) Choice of Entity & Documents Required Minimizing […]


North Texas SBDC: Best Practices for Opening a Restaurant or Food Truck

Online Webinar

Join us for this 4-part live webinar series and hear from Hospitality Specialist Chris Tripoli on the successful ways today's operators are opening their start up restaurant or food truck. This "how to" guide will provide specific recommendations and share examples from recent successful openings. Learn how to make your idea a reality, how much […]


Collin SBDC: Employees and Independent Contractors – What You Need To Know

Online Webinar

Wondering whether you should have employees or independent contractors? How much and how often should you pay your employees? How do you protect your business assets? This class will address: Hiring and Firing Practices Independent Contractor v. Employee Paying Employees – Salaried v. Hourly Confidentiality and Non-Competes Employee Handbooks Policies on Technology Use Presented by […]


Collin SBDC: IRS Small Business Tax Workshop

Collin College Courtyard Center 4800 Preston Park Blvd, Plano, Texas

Do you know your tax responsibilities as a small business owner? This workshop is designed as an awareness seminar to inform business owners of their tax obligations. Tax information for each of the small business structures is provided along with a review of independent contractors versus employees, and an introduction to tax forms required from […]


Collin SBDC: How to Start a Small Business

Online Webinar

It’s back to basics! If you want to start a business but don’t know where to begin, then this class is for you. This class will address many of the questions you should ask yourself before beginning the process of starting a new business. Why start a small business? What are your goals? What are […]


How to Write a Capability Statement for Government Contracting

Online Webinar

Looking to do business with the government? A capability statement is a promotional or marketing statement about your business and its capabilities and skills that advertises who you are and what you do. Agenda: This online workshop covers: Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines for an effective Capability Statement FPDR Template Review Participant’s Capability Statement […]


SCORE: Ignite 2024! Women’s Business Forum

Hurst Conference Center 1601 Campus Drive, Hurst, TX, United States

Join us at Ignite! 2024 the 6th Annual Women’s Business Forum in September. Gain valuable business information and expert strategies. Maximize your brand's visibility at the event while connecting with industry leaders and other successful women entrepreneurs. Honor achievements and successes and end the day with valuable information and contacts that will spark new business […]

SBA DFW: Are You Lender Ready?

Online Webinar

This is an event series called Are You Lender Ready? for those businesses that have been open for 2+ yrs. This event will offer training resources that will prepare you for asking for a small business loan. 1. Preparatory workshop: focused on credit, financials & pitching a business to a lender. Help participants understand the importance […]


Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: Small Business Resilience Forum

Hotel Ella 1900 Rio Grande Street, Austin, TX, United States

This forum for Texas small businesses will help them prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters and other unpredictable events. The program will highlight findings from focus groups across the state and share tools and resources for understanding and managing commercial property insurance policies. There will also be a demonstration of BeforeDuringAfter, a […]
